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Strata Statutes Amendment Act Becomes Law

Blog by Frank Ingham | December 6th, 2022

On November 24, 2022 Bill 44: Building and Strata Statutes Amendment Act became law upon Royal Assent. Effective immediately, three key changes to the Strata Property Act have come into effect, impacting all licensees working with strata properties.
These include:
* The elimination of all strata rental restriction bylaws which are now unenforceable. Short-term rental bylaws are still permitted.
* The elimination of age restriction bylaws except for bylaws for those strata properties permitting only residents over the age of 55; and
* A permanent allowance for strata corporations in BC to conduct annual and special general meetings by telephone or other electronic means.
 Find more information on these changes on the Government of BC website here... http://bit.ly/3Hf2LK1